PERRANUTHNOE is a small village on the South Coast of Cornwall, just East of Marazion, there is a Car Park and sloping access to a safe sandy beach and the beachside Cabin Cafe. It has The Victoria Inn a superb multi award winning pub, which serves super food both lunchtimes & evenings, - a Church dating back as far as 1160. The Lynfield Centre which houses The Cowhouse Gallery, The Peppercorn Cafe and a hairdressers.

Sunday 11 February 2024


Sunshine and the odd shower again
A few surfers had arrived - but the waves had dropped quite a bit

Yippee! The Spottie gang are here for a few days

Naughty Wooster - and look at the little Maisie head at the bottom

Nice sunny run on the field

Port Tender Boy Brendan on it's way to Penzance to assist with extracting Scillonian III from the Dry Dock later on this afternoon
Jim felt well enough to mow the lawn - even though it was rather wet
Maisie had a nice run around in the garden
The Osteospermums been flowering all Winter
Afternoon walkies under a two tone sky
Sadly my right knee really hates walking on the tractor tracks so we looped around in the opposite direction which was less rutted and muddy

Nice to see Wolf Rock Lighthouse after all the mist and murk

Second type of Daffodils have appeared in the garden
Scillonian out of Dry Dock and against the outer wall of the Wet Dock - assume they will put her into the Wet Dock on the tide tomorrow


  1. Hello Sue and Jim,
    It's great to see your early bulbs blooming. Surely the misty, cloudy days must be almost over. I have been catching up after several days with computer problems. Ken is not up to fixing it and Neil has Covid. It's not quite right still, but I am hoping this comment goes through.
    Your lawn looks great, Jim. Your photos of the raging seas are wonderful Sue. It's lovely that the dogs have friends to meet up with on your walks. Just like us really.
    It's going to be another very hot day today. C37 predicted for my suburb! All of the blinds and shutters have been closed since early morning. Not too bad inside yet. I have air conditioning which I can turn on when needed.
    Take care both of you. I hope the weather improves very soon and you can be out enjoying the beauty of Spring in Cornwall.
    Kindest regard, Betty

  2. Hi Betty, Lovely to hear from you - pity that Covid is still around over as it is over here - although we've managed to keep clear of it. We had a lovely sunny day today - couple of little showers - but forecast is for the resumption of cloud/rain and possible fog - pity ! Envious of your hot weather but I suppose rather too hot ! Bye Sue & Jim


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