PERRANUTHNOE is a small village on the South Coast of Cornwall, just East of Marazion, there is a Car Park and sloping access to a safe sandy beach and the beachside Cabin Cafe. It has The Victoria Inn a superb multi award winning pub, which serves super food both lunchtimes & evenings, - a Church dating back as far as 1160. The Lynfield Centre which houses The Cowhouse Gallery, The Peppercorn Cafe and a hairdressers.

Friday 27 August 2010

The sun was dropping as I got back to the car with my fish & chips, and I couldn't wait for a better shot as they might have got cold !


  1. Absolutely BRILLIANT

    THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN FOR ALL YOUR EFFORTS. All the photo's are wonderful.

  2. Thanks, so pleased you enjoy the photos - yesterday was a very unusual day, I don't go chasing off in the car to get the shots very often, but might not get to see The Matthew again - especially not dressed up as a Dragon ! Sue

  3. I don't think you could get a better shot than that Sue it is beautiful! Christine


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