PERRANUTHNOE is a small village on the South Coast of Cornwall, just East of Marazion, there is a Car Park and sloping access to a safe sandy beach and the beachside Cabin Cafe. It has The Victoria Inn a superb multi award winning pub, which serves super food both lunchtimes & evenings, - a Church dating back as far as 1160. The Lynfield Centre which houses The Cowhouse Gallery, The Peppercorn Cafe and a hairdressers.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

After rain or drizzle all day we took the dogs to Godolphin Woods this afternoon - parts of the woods have suddenly developed some lovely colour. The Godolphin Family made their money from mining and there are mine shafts and spoil heaps all through the woods, although they are now well camouflaged by by trees and greenery. This area has lots of Heather which is looking really good.


  1. We were there when the blue bells were in bloom this year, so pretty and lovely fragrance..these are lovely pics and your sweet doggie, so cute.. SueK

    1. It's a really good spot to take the dogs to when it's raining and they just love it. Sue

  2. Love these pretty mauve flowers with ferns here and there. Must be lovely to walk through there. When I read that it was in the area of the Godolphin estate, I was amazed again, as I have a family connection with that name too. Some of my Great-grandfather's relations worked at the mine there (I think it was named Great Works mine). One of their descendants, my third cousin, I think, named their property in central Victoria "Godolphin" after this estate. Is Godolphin House open to the public now? I know there is a connection to the Godolphin race horses with the Godolphin family.

    1. Crumbs Betty, you've got connections all over the place - Godolphin House was handed over to The National Trust a few years ago. It loos as though the House may be undergoing renovations at the moment as it doesn't appear to be open to the public - it was handed over to NT because the family could not afford to the upkeep. It's not in my opinion as grand as many of the large houses nearby, but has great character. We've been to several food fayres there - when NT took over they banned dogs, but have now relented and they can still walk around the gardens & estate. We've been wanting to walk up some of the Beacon Hills in the area and Godolphin Hill is one of them - need a fine day with good visibility and we haven't had many of those. I see that the Car Park is alongside the Engine House for the Great Work Mine - so will get some photos when we go.


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