PERRANUTHNOE is a small village on the South Coast of Cornwall, just East of Marazion, there is a Car Park and sloping access to a safe sandy beach and the beachside Cabin Cafe. It has The Victoria Inn a superb multi award winning pub, which serves super food both lunchtimes & evenings, - a Church dating back as far as 1160. The Lynfield Centre which houses The Cowhouse Gallery, The Peppercorn Cafe and a hairdressers.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Decent rainbow at last

I was pretty sure there would be another rainbow because of the position of the sun versus the black clouds and sure enough there it was - a double rainbow - I dashed out onto the balcony and took a couple of snatched shots as the rain was arriving
If it hadn't started to rain I'd have dashed down to the corner patio and got a better shot - sorry I know this one has got Mike in Mousehole sliding down to Newlyn, but if I correct the slope I'll lose half the rainbow !


  1. Two pots of Gold at the end of your lovely Rainbow Sue.
    Golly we have had some rain this year, haven`t we.


    1. Hello Heiko, didn't thinkk abour the double pot of gold ! Think you've had far more heavy rain up there in Somerset - it so often passes over us fairly quickly then slows down as it heads up Country. Do hope we have a fine Autumn - I'm not ready for Winter ! Sue


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