Jim took the dogs to Friendship Woods near St Hilary. They are rather low lying and the rain seems to drain into them - this is supposed to be the footpath not a stream.
I'm sure it didn't look like this last time I was here !
Wonder what it will look like in a few days
With a forecast like this !
Nothing changes just like summer
ReplyDeleteNot great is it - but I promised that I wouldn't complain for a while after seeing what Sandy did to the Eastern USA ! Sue
DeleteAfter looking at your wonderfully crisp photographs, and then looking at my poor, fuzzy efforts of the Japan trip which I just finished posting on Facebook for my far flung children to see, I am now downcast!
ReplyDeleteAhh Lyn down be downcast. Jim was given an old Kodak Box Brownie when he was around 10 years old and has been a keen photographer ever since and my Panasonic FZ100 is fairly idiotproof ! A good photo editing suite also helps to get the best from your photos.As you can see from the Halloween pics we're lousy at night shots ! Sue
Deletehi sue you will have to find another one pz heliport will disapear shortly
ReplyDeletelooks like daisy has collerd the i pad trouble is she knows how to work it better than we do all the best francis (going for my pasty for tea) bye for now
Hadn't thought about needing to re-locate the forecaster Francis, will take a look on the Met Office website - trouble is they keep "improving it" and I'm not keen on the replacement. Pleased that Daisy liked the i pad - I'm sure I would be able to use one - the younger generation are soo much better at these things ! Sue