PERRANUTHNOE is a small village on the South Coast of Cornwall, just East of Marazion, there is a Car Park and sloping access to a safe sandy beach and the beachside Cabin Cafe. It has The Victoria Inn a superb multi award winning pub, which serves super food both lunchtimes & evenings, - a Church dating back as far as 1160. The Lynfield Centre which houses The Cowhouse Gallery, The Peppercorn Cafe and a hairdressers.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Such dramatic rock and cliffs on The Lizard - very different to further along the South Coast with our sandy little cliffs
Even on a grey day the water looks a lovely shade of turquoise
We then went up to the cafe for a coffee - it then started to firstly drizzle, then it turned to snow - little tiny balls of snow - not hail, but very nasty and we got even colder than we were already ! Fortunately it stopped in time for us to walk back up the track to Hetty and some lovely hot seats and warm air for the drive home.


  1. Now this is a place I must take my husband to when we are over this spring. I visited here by myself one autumn and I had the whole place to myself. However, I have not been down to the beach or to the cafe, so add that to the bucket list. The rock formations really are spectacular.

    1. It really is stunning ans we were lucky last year as Easter was later, so we were able to go there in April and take the dogs onto the beach. Should be more sand covering the stones and I'm sure it will come back soon. You can of course t ake the shorter steeper footpath down, or go around on the tract we use as it's safer for the dogs. Love all the Serpentine rocls and pebbles.
      The cafe is super with a roof entirely of solar tiles and the amazing eco toilets are so well done and really needed as the cove is so popular.
      "The sophisticated Bio-Bubble sewage treatment deals with all the waste from the toilets and the café.
      1. Waste is collected and aerated in a balanced tank.
      2. A full load is then pumped into a biological reactor tank where it is digested by bacteria.
      3. The treatment liquid is disinfected by ultra violet lamps.
      4. The clean clear water is discharged.
      On busy days this process takes just 24 hours. Over a year the treatment system uses less electricity than is generated by the solar tiles on the roof.
      Finally, to conserve water the toilets are supplied by a nearby spring and uses low flush cisterns.
      Really adds to the whole experience ! !

  2. What a great idea! National trust behind that possibly?

    1. Yes, National Trust with Objective One Funding - wish there were morearound the coasts instead of having to pump everything back inland - or even worse !


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