PERRANUTHNOE is a small village on the South Coast of Cornwall, just East of Marazion, there is a Car Park and sloping access to a safe sandy beach and the beachside Cabin Cafe. It has The Victoria Inn a superb multi award winning pub, which serves super food both lunchtimes & evenings, - a Church dating back as far as 1160. The Lynfield Centre which houses The Cowhouse Gallery, The Peppercorn Cafe and a hairdressers.

Monday 25 March 2013

The Egyptian House. Penzance

Such a pity that my favourite building in Penzance is in such a narrow street - I was standing right up against a building on the other side of the street but still couldn't get a good shot
 A few close-ups of the intricate painting on the building
Such intricate work
I've never looked it up before, but here's a piece I found
"Not a great deal has been written about the so-called "Egyptian House" in Chapel Street, Penzance. A local man commissioned it in about 1830; the architect was one John Foulton, or Foulston, of Plymouth. It imitated one of the most celebrated Egyptian buildings of the time, Robinson's Egyptian Hall, in London's Piccadilly.
Like its prototype, it was used to house a museum of natural curiosities. Apart from its extraordinary facade, the inside was that of a fairly normal Regency town-house, except that the ground floor was divided in two by a deep central doorway and vestibule. Now, it belongs to the Landmark Trust; there are two shops downstairs and some rentable apartments above. It is Grade I-listed as of 1988, the date of the most recent restoration"


  1. What an interesting building, to look at and read about. Must stand out amongst less colourful buildings. The Admiral Benbow, another unique building, much photographed, I imagine. Looks like my camera will be busy!

    1. It really is totally different to anything else in Pz. I do remember it getting a little the worse for wear at one time, but the latest restoration is still looking wonderful. Trouble is it's too tall for the camera to get the best shot !

  2. Chapel Street is one of my favorite streets in Cornwall with so many interesting shops. I like the second hand bookshop and have bought two pictures from there for the cottage, as well as a replacement Flower fairies book.
    I also like to look in Daphne's Antiques as sometimes there is some studio pottery for me to covet! I have also bought a couple of rugs from East of Eden too which soften the slate floors.
    The Egyptian House is unique and your photos do justice to all the details.

    1. Since it's so steep I'm always glad to be able to stop and look in the windows or admire the buildings - it's a fascinating street and it's such a pity that so many visitors must never see it !

  3. Wonderful pictures Sue ! Like Lynn we love Chapel Street too, some really interesting buildings,always plenty to look at(and buy).Interesting info. on the Egyptian House.thanks Sue.

    1. Don't know why I've never done a search on the origins of The Egyptian House - really interesting and it will hopefully be well looked after for many years to come.


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