PERRANUTHNOE is a small village on the South Coast of Cornwall, just East of Marazion, there is a Car Park and sloping access to a safe sandy beach and the beachside Cabin Cafe. It has The Victoria Inn a superb multi award winning pub, which serves super food both lunchtimes & evenings, - a Church dating back as far as 1160. The Lynfield Centre which houses The Cowhouse Gallery, The Peppercorn Cafe and a hairdressers.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Waves crashing onto the end of The Greeb Rocks as I took a photo of the Causeway with lots of people making their way over to St Michael's Mount
and having checked on their website, I'm afraid you do have to walk all the way up to the castle this way !  Phew !
But I'm sure it's worth it - once you've got your breath back !


  1. Would really like to see if we could get out on the Mount this time round. I hope itt will be open.

    1. From the St Michael's Mount website:-
      From Monday 18 March, the castle, restaurant, cafe and shops will be open every day (except Saturday) from 10.30am until 5pm.
      So all you need is a fine day !

  2. I have done the causeway walk and the climb to the castle once, and although lots of steps, it was worth it.

    1. I'm sure it's wonderful, might manage it this year if the weather is good and we think we can leave the dogs for that length of time ! Would love to go ! Sue

  3. After holidaying in Cornwall for nearly 20 years we managed to visit the castle two years ago, and it is worth going. And, by the way, the walk up to the castle isn't that bad, there are plenty occasions to stop and look around as the view is always new and stunning. As you may know there is a little railway going uphill through a tunnel on the left side of the harbour, where the amphicar is parked, but unfortunatly it's only for goods, called the "Dreckly Express". Just a week ago there was a report on german TV mentioning "The Mount".

    1. We've been either holidaying or living in Cornwall all the 44 years of married life and sadly have only walked over to The Mount once - then had to turn back as no dogs !
      Ah ! the Germans really love Cornwall - mainly due to writer Rosamund Pilcher I think they have really helped to keep the visitor numbers up in these dire times. Lovely big coaches arrive in Penzance & Marazion all week during the season as well as many visitors by car. I have to say that most of them are far more knowledgeable about Cornwall than many of the UK visitors who come for a beach holiday. When we are out walking in places like Men an Tol we've met many both German & Dutch walkers there ! (Hopefully soon Australian as well, Betty !)

  4. Thanks for the information. I think we'll definitley have a go at getting out there this year. It has to be done! :)

    1. I agree, I feel the same, but we always seem to feel that the dogs come first and they enjoy a special walkies on a fine day ! Sue

  5. We could always take them for a walk (on a lead of course) while you go on the Mount???? Would love to walk them.

    1. Kind of you to offer - Wooster is such a big idiot he'd be scared -he's a real plonker - never says hello to anyone until Tilly has approached first - then he might ! We'll get to The Mount one day, but I think my knee would rather I didn't !
      If you see us when you're here you're welcome to join us on a walkies if you like ! Sue


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