PERRANUTHNOE is a small village on the South Coast of Cornwall, just East of Marazion, there is a Car Park and sloping access to a safe sandy beach and the beachside Cabin Cafe. It has The Victoria Inn a superb multi award winning pub, which serves super food both lunchtimes & evenings, - a Church dating back as far as 1160. The Lynfield Centre which houses The Cowhouse Gallery, The Peppercorn Cafe and a hairdressers.

Friday, 3 May 2013

The sun just catching The Mount for a few minutes as I walked the dogs over to Trenow & back
The sunshine has really got these Three Cornered Leeks flowering on the Cornish Hedge alongside the footpath


  1. Thanks for telling us what these are. We thought they were wild garlic because the smell was such a strong garlic smell. Now we know :)

    1. We always called them the same - until I was corrected on here a few years ago - there are other plants that smell of Onions as well - when you strim them there's a real "pong" Sue


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