PERRANUTHNOE is a small village on the South Coast of Cornwall, just East of Marazion, there is a Car Park and sloping access to a safe sandy beach and the beachside Cabin Cafe. It has The Victoria Inn a superb multi award winning pub, which serves super food both lunchtimes & evenings, - a Church dating back as far as 1160. The Lynfield Centre which houses The Cowhouse Gallery, The Peppercorn Cafe and a hairdressers.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Nightmare - in the fields !

Jim noticed the white Spiders webs all over these plants in the foreground
He wasn't sure exactly what he was seeing as these were so small - I wondered if they are Nursery Web Spiders
It's the stuff of nightmares- well, mine anyway !
Rather glad I wasn't there !
and I won't be visiting those fields any time soon !


  1. Ugh !! I dont mind frogs or mice......but spiders !!!! we get the big harvest spiders......A thorough search is very necessary !! one night I turned the duvet back.....and sitting in the middle of the bed !!....then the 'spidercatcher. lost it !..I decamped to a spare room ! thanks Sue. macca.

    1. Like you - I can cope as long as I know where they are - Jim had to get a really big one up on the vaulted celing in the garden room and it dropped onto the floor and tried to make a run for cover - he just got it in time.
      Seeds arrived safely - many thanks will try to post your calendar today - or tomorrow. Garden should be a riot of colour next year. ! Sue

  2. As long as they stay in the field that is OK by me, but I hear there is concern about the false widow spiders in the south of England. I've seen some horrible pictures of the infected bites online. I will have to turn out the cottage as it sits unused for so much that it makes for an undisturbed habitat. Here I am always cautious as once I almost put my garden gloves on but just checked myself and shook one. A very large shiny black widow dropped out which met the sole of my shoe. One also lives near the back patio door in the garden light control box, but as my husband almost put his hand on it I sprayed spider/scorpion spray in there, and that stuff is powerful!

    1. Yes there has been a lot of talk in the newspapers about the False Black Widows - and as you say some really horrible photos of wounds. I did have a good look at the little ones on the pc as I was editing the photos - just to make sure they weren't FBW's
      Don't like the sound of yours at all - relly scary - doubt that Europe would let us have your Spider/Scorpion spray - much too dangerous ! Sue


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