PERRANUTHNOE is a small village on the South Coast of Cornwall, just East of Marazion, there is a Car Park and sloping access to a safe sandy beach and the beachside Cabin Cafe. It has The Victoria Inn a superb multi award winning pub, which serves super food both lunchtimes & evenings, - a Church dating back as far as 1160. The Lynfield Centre which houses The Cowhouse Gallery, The Peppercorn Cafe and a hairdressers.

Friday, 17 October 2014

A trip to Falmouth to wave goodbye to RFA Argus as she heads off to West Africa to help with the Ebola epdemic

When we arrived in Falmouth and drove up Castle Drive we could tell by all the masses of parked cars that it was going to be busy, so we parked up at the Ships and Castles car park and walked the dogs along the wooded footpath that leads to Pendennis Point.
 There were two Sea Kings flying around - with cameramen on board - taking shots for TV
 We had decided to stay down on one of the old gun emplacement areas - not that it was any more sheltered down there. But I was concerned that it might be so crowded on Pendennis Point that I wouldn't be able to get any photos
The first of the three tugs appeared
 They said on Spotlight that this Merlin helicopter is actually going to Africa and this was their way of saying farewell
 Pity we didn't get to see them land on board Argus
 Argus being pulled out of the harbour with the crew lined up outside

 and some standing on the deck as well

 Rough day to be out on the water
 Merlin on it's way round Pendennis Point again
 Passing St. Anthony Light and out into Falmouth Bay
Pilot boat coming alongside


  1. Thank you Sue, we knew we could rely on you for photo's of the ship leaving Falmouth. Also, saw Spotlight and wonderd if it was Tilly. Looks like they will be having a rough passage for a while. Another very stormy night here, and very grey and overcast this morning. We have to expect this now I suppose. Thanks once again, hoping to pop down soon if we have some spare time and a nice day, unfortunately it never seems to work out that way.

  2. Have managed a screen grab of Wooster & Tilly and Jim's jacket ! Just felt we ought to be there - so pleased that so many others (as well as friends and relatives of the ships company) were there as well - they must be worried about what they are going to face at the end of their long trip.
    They're stopping off in Gibralta for more stores on the way, but it must have felt like a long night bashing their way down the BofB. Sue


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