PERRANUTHNOE is a small village on the South Coast of Cornwall, just East of Marazion, there is a Car Park and sloping access to a safe sandy beach and the beachside Cabin Cafe. It has The Victoria Inn a superb multi award winning pub, which serves super food both lunchtimes & evenings, - a Church dating back as far as 1160. The Lynfield Centre which houses The Cowhouse Gallery, The Peppercorn Cafe and a hairdressers.

Monday, 31 August 2015

Saturday, Sunday and Monday !

 Both Friday and Saturday were much finer days and the sun even shone
 The original Boathouse that is attached to the Hotel and is now a superb Bistro - it became our second home - handy when it rained - or when it didn't !
 Lovely calm morning on Saturday
 Only saw this one Banded Demoiselle - see lots of them earlier in the year
 One of the River trip boats entering Goring Lock
 and much lower now, out she comes
 We walked along the river path past this rather "unusual" house - a matter of taste I suppose
 Lots more Egyptian Geese around now

 Really rather lovely birds
 We had a lovely afternoon and evening with Jim's No 2 from Jessops, Craig and his lady, Mia
The next morning we were up bright and early and off to The Cotswolds, Via Burford and Stow on the Wold, for our Niece's wedding
 The superb Dumbleton Hall - probably not doing it justice as we had little time before the rain arrived
 I have to say that I had forgotten how beautiful the Cotswolds are
 Sadlyit rained heavily until after the ceremony, but afterwards we took the dogs out for a run and the sun actually made an appearance
 The grounds were stunning - unfortunately the Black Swans were nowhere to be seen.
The next morning we got up and had a lovely breakfast, said our farewells and set off in pouring rain for Cornwall
We stopped off at a Motorway Services and I looked at some webcams on the Hudl and St Ives was looking stunning with blue sky and sunshine - just what we needed to keep us going !
 So good to see Cudden Point bathed in sunshine
 We missed a superb sunset yesterday, but this will do for me !

It's great to be home !


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks ! It's good to be back - not that we were gone for long - it just felt like it !

  2. Welcome back ! THe Hall looks lovely the' unusual house' lack of I think ! Glad you had a good time in spite of the weather. Rained all day here yesterday torrential at times waterlogged garden it's always feast or famine ! Cornwall looked superb yesterday wonderful sunsets...only four and a bit weeks to go !! Thanks Sue.macca.

    1. Couldn't believe the weather in Cornwall yesterday - not a mention of it on TV weather forecasts - just about the rain - no wonder so many people were heading home !
      Think we were lucky with the weather, could have been so much worse and having The Boathouse Bistro to dash into when a shower did arrive was a great help - wooden floor, so dogs were allowed in there as well as the Hotel.
      Four weeks will go really quickly ! Sue

  3. Lovelly pictures, as usual. The Cotswolds are lovelly aren't they? Used to visit often when daughters were at Ag. College there. Sending you an e.mail. Kathy P.


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