PERRANUTHNOE is a small village on the South Coast of Cornwall, just East of Marazion, there is a Car Park and sloping access to a safe sandy beach and the beachside Cabin Cafe. It has The Victoria Inn a superb multi award winning pub, which serves super food both lunchtimes & evenings, - a Church dating back as far as 1160. The Lynfield Centre which houses The Cowhouse Gallery, The Peppercorn Cafe and a hairdressers.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016


Decided that since Jim had been banished along with his germs to another bedroom, I'd leave the East facing curtains open and at 07.30 the orange glow woke me up, so I took this through the window - and Yes ! ...I've got a sore throat - there's a plan that didn't work !
Just took the dogs up the hill as it was rather cool and cloudy

 Looking through the trees of Ednovean Lane to the hills behind the North Coast
Some very dark clouds around - but no rain

Wondered what this was as I walked towards it
Just a broken rather late Alexander flower

The Goldfinches were on the Teasels on the other side of the field
Easterly wind pushing the water onto the rocks

The first of the Nerines that were kindly given to us by neighbour Joyce - lots more to come
 I love this dwarf Buddlea although it does flower rather late - Jim thought it had been dug up, but the root was still there he he !
Afternoon and there was some blue sky as I walked the dogs
Calmer waters on the leeward side of The Greeb as the wind was still strong

Just a couple of Bird Watchers this afternoon

Wind blown clouds
 Empty beach
Moon light, house lights a ships lights and even the red light from a Merlin from RNAS Culdrose out on night training
A couple of shots I missed yesterday that Jim took of the lifeboat heading out to tow in a small fishing boat that had broken down


  1. Gorgeous sunrise this morning, our garden looked as though it had a bright pink spot light on it, must have been the same for you by the photo. Hope you both feel better soon, have heard of several people having the same thing, keeping fingers crossed it passes us by. So pleased to see Tilly has got a lovely warm coat, it was certainly much colder today, have to expect it now I suppose. Thanks once again for the beautiful photo's, dose up and keep having warm drinks, honey & lemon works well for me when I have a sore throat, preferably Manuka honey sucked off a teaspoon three times a day.

    1. Tilly is wearing her "Scillonian III" jumper got it for the trip as they always get so cold on board. Have to put in on in the manner of getting a baby into an all-in-one - rather comical ! Horrid day today rain and drizzle. Throat not too bad - sadly I'm not keen on Honey no idea why as I have a sweet tooth. Jim seems to be a bit better - hoping we might make it to the Falmouth Oyster Festival on Friday - not too strenuous !


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