PERRANUTHNOE is a small village on the South Coast of Cornwall, just East of Marazion, there is a Car Park and sloping access to a safe sandy beach and the beachside Cabin Cafe. It has The Victoria Inn a superb multi award winning pub, which serves super food both lunchtimes & evenings, - a Church dating back as far as 1160. The Lynfield Centre which houses The Cowhouse Gallery, The Peppercorn Cafe and a hairdressers.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016


 Chatting over the garden wall !
Lots of Starlings gathering - wonder if this will be a year when we get to see murmurations
Lots of electrical work up at the top of Boat Cove Lane
Quick shot over the hedge when I saw The Mount in the spotlight

Very dramatic light as dark clouds passed over to the West
Not too many days left to visit The Castle

Little Red Riding Hood out on Maen-dhu Point
Beach looking a bit better already
Still a bit tricky at the bottom of the ramp
That was it this morning
I then set off to Penzance to enjoy some light shopping and go to Specsavers !
Went to Lidl in Wherrytown and then popped across the road to take some photos and hopefully see the Ivan Ellen return to Newlyn
Marine Discovery's Shearwater II heading out past The Mount
 There are a couple of videos below, but here are a few photos of her coming down the bay after her shout this afternoon
 Always such a wonderful sight
You can see that she is carrying the wreck of an upturned hull that they had retrieved on todays shout 
In through the gaps
I then parked in The Harbour car park  and spotted this super Little Egret

Scillonian III - literally sitting there waiting for the tide
Not actually a flat bottom - but there again not that much below the waterline either
Not many of the larger boats to lift out now
Gry Maritha unloading on Lighthouse Pier
This was the sight that greeted me as I arrived back at the car
Even a little rainbow !
Sadly what I suspected was the case - I have a cataract in my right eye - I new it seemed to be getting worse faster than the right eye. Not a problem at the moment - just new glasses.
Just as I was about to leave I bumped into blogger friend Keith Hargreaves from the early days of the Google blog. Great to see him and have a chat.
Got home, got changed and took the dogs up the hill

Nothing spectacular
But a nice end to the day and my Vivofit says that I've walked 16,581 steps Phew !


  1. Great to see what's going on around the neighbourhood of Perranuthnoe and Penzance. Your photos are not only beautiful, but informative and along with your comments it's almost like being there! Thanks, Sue.
    Hope your health is improving and Jim's too. I have cataracts as well. Waiting 'till they are advanced enough to have them removed!
    Have a good day today.

    1. Thanks Betty - cataracts not bad yet - will have to wait and see ! Jim seems to get a bit better then has a bad hour or so each evening - almost at the point of sending him to the doctor ! Rather a grey day today - miss the sunshine as we've had so much recently. Sue


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