PERRANUTHNOE is a small village on the South Coast of Cornwall, just East of Marazion, there is a Car Park and sloping access to a safe sandy beach and the beachside Cabin Cafe. It has The Victoria Inn a superb multi award winning pub, which serves super food both lunchtimes & evenings, - a Church dating back as far as 1160. The Lynfield Centre which houses The Cowhouse Gallery, The Peppercorn Cafe and a hairdressers.

Sunday, 22 October 2017


 Scillonian III heading out to Scilly on an early Sunday start to carry the travellers who couldn't travel on Saturday die to Storm Brian
Not many showers on the forecast today but this rainbow seemed to indicate one  - just  couldn't get a better view
RNLI Penlee Lifeboat Ivan Ellen out on her Sunday training run 
Just by the garden gate we met little Cooper and the Labrador girls 
Just look at Tilly's expression - Oh heck a puppy !  I'm too old for this !
Turquoise sea after Storm  Brian - sand in the water

Digger heading for The Mount - hope there wasn't any storm damage 
You can really see the sand in the water in this one 

Typical after a storm - there's a channel  of water along the back of the beach

The totally ridiculous  result of having a single yellow line round a blind bend - with a sign giving permission to park Sept 30th until Easter - You would think that common sense would prevail. The Mini on the left had to dash into the turning to avoid the oncoming cars. 
 The car behind parked at a naughty angle - just to be helpful 
A lovely bunch of flowers from our neighbours up at Trebarvah 
Scillonian III arriving back in Mount's Bay after a quick turnaround 
Coastguard helicopter came past this afternoon 

Some nice Hebe flowers appearing 
Common Buzzard with what looks like a light lunch in its claws 
Wonderful to look down on it for a minute 
Off it went 
Think this might be a big Starling year 
Afternoon walkies 
Lovely sky 

Another lovely oldie - neighbour Sadie 
Went to walk out to Wooster's patio but he got there before me - wanted to check the bunnies on the field 
More black clouds


  1. Thank you for your usual mix of lovely and interesting photos. I reckon Perranuthnoe village is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!
    Love all of the Mount photos. in her many moods.
    Watch out for Starlings!
    Happy days to you and Jim.

    1. Thanks Betty - sadly the weather has gone downhill again. mist, mizzle and fog - such a pity as it's half term for locals and most of the country. Will enjoy seeing the starlings if they gather in really large groups - that lovely word murmuration. Bye Sue

  2. What a lovely selection, not a very nice Sunday here it was still very windy and wet too.You all deserved a nice day after last week!We have lots of starlings too...they have found the fat balls and demolish them very quickly...and noisily too!Tilly's expression is priceless,Wooster seems to have a lot of lady friends...the Cornish Casanova!They both seem such characters.Tnank you Sue.macca.

    1. Poor Wooster is neutered, but he does love the girls. Weather horrid today - just hope it improves as it's quite busy down here due to half-term. Sue


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