Last nights rather orange moon as I was going to bed
Opened the curtains to see we had an intruder - bearing in mind we have a walled garden - it's a rare occurrence
Cheeky thing ! It nipped into the undergrowth when Wooster went down to the garden - he knew someone had been there but didn't spot it. Seems to have found it's way out
Chilly East wind and lots of clouds
Little hole has opened up in the footpath through the spoil heap
not very deep, so is possibly just an old Rabbit Burrow
Some lovely yachts about at the moment
The Bees love the Cistus flowers
Scillonian III arriving back on her first trip today - turned around and did it all again !
After being totally devastated by the frost and snow, this is the first of the Arum Lillies to appear
These are a different lot of California Poppies that have a much darker rear of each petal - not noticed before
Some folks left it a bit late
A little hesitation
Rather dark skies to the West
Really love these
Those blue flowers are beautiful. Are they Pincushions? Don't know the proper name. Great shot of Wooster hesitating at that tricky crossing.
ReplyDeleteHope you are coping with your knee Sue. Must be very difficult and painful.
Morning Betty, the blue flowers are Field Scabious - obviously having a very good year as are many of the plants that survived the big freeze.
DeleteKnee not too bad as long as I don't try to walk at anything above slow pace and on even ground - hence no dog walking. Should be having a new knee next Friday - 8th May - then a lot more pain - but then better in the end ! Sue
Scabious are so beautiful, great photo. Wondering Sue if your Agapanthus plants have started to re shoot, noticed mine had yesterday , so they did survive the beast. Good luck for your knee op on Friday, will be thinking of you.
ReplyDeleteI think that the old big clump of Agapanthus have a few more green shoots - looks very dry and I keep asking Jim to give them a little water - but think he's failed again.Sue