Today was all about clouds - huge dark shower clouds
Not too bad when Jim took the dogs up the hill, but it was bitterly cold in the wind
Tiny rainbow
One from home - looking through the rainbow
Later on the clouds got much darker
But most of them passed by out to sea
Was just going for my first swim when I spotted this - stood out there freezing in my swimming costume but I think this cloud formation is called Mamatus and I've never seen it before
Off we went for a walk - Winter coats on but wish we'd worn our hats
Maisie back in her tankie as the wind was gusting 40- 50mph at the time
Quickly down the hill
I can see the lovely flowering Cherry Trees are showing some colour in Churchtown
Lovely photos. Seems like I should pack some warm clothes. I remember it was quite cool in April/May last time.
Yes it really is very cold - some snow on the moors today as we even had sleet at one point. Hopefully it will warm up soon. Sue