PERRANUTHNOE is a small village on the South Coast of Cornwall, just East of Marazion, there is a Car Park and sloping access to a safe sandy beach and the beachside Cabin Cafe. It has The Victoria Inn a superb multi award winning pub, which serves super food both lunchtimes & evenings, - a Church dating back as far as 1160. The Lynfield Centre which houses The Cowhouse Gallery, The Peppercorn Cafe and a hairdressers.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Our holiday photos - The Hunter's Inn, Heddon Valley

Walking through the Hotel grounds 
With fairly old & weathered wood carvings in the tree stumps
Lots of these Dog Roses around
Sunshine and blue sky - but cold wind - Jim back to trousers - too cold for shorts!
My identifier says Common Cow-Wheat
Hotel grounds
The view from our little balcony at the entrance to Heddon Lodge
Rather tatty Peacock butterfly - we didn't see many butterflies at all
This was part of a larger carving
Rather sad to see the grounds like this - as in old photos they were magnificent - but National Trust is letting it get back to nature
Blood Hound - only 7 months old - very lively
The view from the lounge window

More carving
The River Heddon that flows down  the valley to the sea
We heard some lovely engine noises and dashed out
We missed most of them, but super Austen cars coming down the 25% hill alongside us
Really going for it
They went past the Hotel and onwards out of the valley
We decided to try to walk some of the path to Woody Bay - uphill all the way !

On a seat on a hairpin bend as the path followed the hill
The path carrying on - we asked a couple of walkers how far until we got a good view out to sea
We carried on - Maisie the faithful "photographers dog"
Looking West - towards Combe Martin
Looking East
Looking on the map think it must be Foreland Point near Lynton


The Heddon Valley below us
Heading back down the footpath
Not seen very often - a lovely Jay - such a private bird
Peacock showing off on the roof
A rather unfriendly looking local, sitting in a "Vera style" Land Rover
We met a couple with this Labrador who had sadly injured his back and could only walk for short distances - hence the wheelchair
Saw a few Squirrels

Warmer day, so we walked down the other side of the valley and then over the bridge and down to the Mouth
Lots more flowers closer to the Coast - Sheep's Bit I think
There she was again - Paddle Steamer Waverley
The River arriving at the gravel beach and disappearing
One her way from Penarth to Ilfracombe
Oxeye Daisies
Sea Thrift
Walking back

We gave the dogs a rest from all the rather harsh shale paths
They seemed to really enjoy it

The newest version of a bridge over the river - there's evidence of a wooden one alongside
Narrow bridge on one of the bridleways
They've been working on this while we've been here

That's the lot !

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