PERRANUTHNOE is a small village on the South Coast of Cornwall, just East of Marazion, there is a Car Park and sloping access to a safe sandy beach and the beachside Cabin Cafe. It has The Victoria Inn a superb multi award winning pub, which serves super food both lunchtimes & evenings, - a Church dating back as far as 1160. The Lynfield Centre which houses The Cowhouse Gallery, The Peppercorn Cafe and a hairdressers.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Jim spent several holidays in the first cottage when he was a lad - this lovely view appears on many postcards


  1. Is this Lizard too? We always go for Anne's pasties and walk to the cafe and down the old boat launch, but have never been to the lighthouse or here to see these houses, boy i tell you, our list is full of what to see in places we have been so many times, thankyou again...suek

    1. It's a super walk as after parking in the village you can take the circular route that we did - which we always love or you can one of the many footpaths that take you back earlier if all the steps and climbing become too much. We walked past Anne's Pasties on our way back to the village. Sue

  2. The shore around the Lizard is very rugged. I'm sure those brave men on lifeboat duty are a very welcome sight on many occasions.
    On a beautiful day such as you enjoyed, the picture post-card scene of these cottages is so peaceful and inviting. Love it!

    1. Much of the part of The Lizard that we visited has lots of Serpentine Rock - can be quite lovely - they use a grinding wheel & shape and polish it into lighthouses etc.
      When Nick was a youngster we were pottering on Church Cove and I found a stunning pale green Serpentine stone and put it to one side to save as my "memory stone" for the trip - Nick thought it was just another stone and promptly plopped it into the sea ! Hmm! He still remembers it ! Sue

  3. Nice walk Sue.
    Seems like quite a you know how far it is?

    1. Hi George, this morning my joints would say around 5 miles - but I've just checked in the Classic Walks, Cornwall - (60 circular walks)book and it says 3.5 miles. Lots of steps and typical coastal footpath ups and downs, but a super walk. Super day, suprised just how busy it was on the green car park and there were two coaches up there with lots of people but sadly no one going anywhere near The Southerly Point as they were elderly. Don't know why they take them somewhere like that. Great photo of your very nice looking boat (and you and Sam & Dad of course !) Sue

  4. Hi Sue, we did that walk last year when we were down your way. It is such a lovely coastline. A bit of coincidence... one of my son's called Nick too! By the way what camera have you got, because your pics are also amazing. I especially like the one of the kestrel. I'm just going to upgrade mine tomorrow from a Canon 450D to a 60D. I'm still a bit of a novice!

    1. Hi, Just checked and the Kestrel photo is one of Jims on his Canon 550D with his 70-300mm lens on - he also has a wide angle/shorter zoom lens as well that he uses for more general stuff. Sadly I can't carry the weight of a Canon so I stick to my bridge camera of Panasonic FZ100 which take a super very wide angle shot or 24x zoom - a new one is coming out very soon - Christmas present I think ! as mine has a hard life and is playing up & keeps telling me to turn off & on again - really annoying when you've just lined up a bird or butterfly !
      Circular walks seem to be very popular this year, we keep meeting walkers coming past the house on The Churchway footpath clutching their "60 great circular walks" guide heading off to Prussia Cove. Sue


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