PERRANUTHNOE is a small village on the South Coast of Cornwall, just East of Marazion, there is a Car Park and sloping access to a safe sandy beach and the beachside Cabin Cafe. It has The Victoria Inn a superb multi award winning pub, which serves super food both lunchtimes & evenings, - a Church dating back as far as 1160. The Lynfield Centre which houses The Cowhouse Gallery, The Peppercorn Cafe and a hairdressers.

Monday 25 March 2013

Scillonian III first trip of the season

 There's not much that would get me out of bed at 6.45am, but Scillonian III did !   Here she is just backing out of Lighthouse Pier  just after 8am (due to weather/tidal conditions)
 Looking under the crane you can just make out the Newquay gig SPY  & Caradon's 'Ann Glanville' being transported to Scilly - ready for the World Championships in early May.
Using her Bow Thruster she turns quickly and off she goes past St Michael's Mount
Off she went and made a  speedy crossing to Scilly (with the wind behind her !)
Spotted one young chap pulling two suitcases along, who had to be told by the staff that he'd missed the boat !  He'd obviously not known she was leaving early !
I then popped into The Harbour Cafe for a light breakfast and coffee - they had been open since 7am in case passengers due to go on SCIII wanted to eat before boarding - sadly I was the first customer at 8.15 - good luck for the season ladies !


  1. Not only did you get up early you also had to put on all those clothes, well wrapped to keep out the cold

    1. If i'd have been on board I'd have been wearing even more - I find the skiers neck warmer is great - were you there or did you drive past ?

    2. Meant to ask if the cafe is actually called the Harbour Cafe - forgot to check ! Several more boats out in the harbour now ! Sue

  2. Hi Sue,
    Well done you for going out so early on such a cold morning.
    Usually Chris and his girlfriend Lynne do the first run to Scilly.
    This year they have chickened out and gone to Lanzarote!
    Good decision though as it's 24 degrees and sunny there.
    Nice to have the Harbour Cafe open for you to warm up. Looking forward to going there, lots of good reviews on TA.
    Good to see your pics, well done and thank you, Jane.

    1. Felt very guilty about cancelling my day trip so thought I still ought to go down there to wave her off ! Wish it had been 24 degrees though ! Back to sheepskin boots and big suede parka with a fur lined hood ! She went very well with speeds up to 16knots - there was a short piece on Spotlight at lunchtime showing her new lift etc. Sue

  3. She's certainly looking very smart and all good reports on the interior.Thanks for braving the cold early morning and keeping us all up to date!When we stay in Penzance we usually watch her 'comings and goings' I love the harbour always something to watch !macca

    1. We also love to see her as she heads out and comes back in the evening - in fact I've just looked through the 'scope and there she is, just past Lamorna and approaching Mousehole with lights on of course although it's not quite dark yet. Sue

    2. Thanks for getting up early and braving the cold to show us the first departure of the season. Great photos.

    3. I was well wrapped up from the cold and it's always a treat to see SCIII heading out at this time of year !

  4. Hi Sue I was driving past when I saw you walking towards the harbour

    1. Probably on my way to breakfast and a cup of hot coffee !


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