PERRANUTHNOE is a small village on the South Coast of Cornwall, just East of Marazion, there is a Car Park and sloping access to a safe sandy beach and the beachside Cabin Cafe. It has The Victoria Inn a superb multi award winning pub, which serves super food both lunchtimes & evenings, - a Church dating back as far as 1160. The Lynfield Centre which houses The Cowhouse Gallery, The Peppercorn Cafe and a hairdressers.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

After several bad years when our big clump of Agapanthus only had 3 or 4 flowers this year so far we have 18 buds or flowers - they're not as big as the ones on Scilly but since we found them hiding under loads of undergrowth when we bought the house they're OK


  1. Lovely colours. What a great season you've had. We're looking forward to Spring here. Daffodils are starting to bloom.
    Hope you have recovered from the dental treatment. Lots of repair work as we get older:(
    Have a good day. Betty

    1. Tetth are fine today - till the next appointment. Amazing to think of you with Daffodils appearing - it's hard over here to think that the Summer is almost over. Sue

  2. I've yet to pluck up courage to go to the dentist ! Sorry not been on here for a bit, hols to Scilly and then Kefalonia, but now back home. Yes our Agapanthus is flowering but it looks so puny compared to the lovely big ones on Scilly. We were thinking of giving it a feed for next year to see if that helpped.

    1. Hi Gaynor, sorry I haven't managed to find your IOS photos - but you might find me now I've changed it to Aroundperranuthnoe Blog.
      I've been trying hard to keep off facebook, but needed to join to be able to see my beloved Ospreys on the Dyffi in Wales.
      Hope you had a super holiday - ours seems a long time ago !
      I really did mean to gave our Agapanthus a feed using the hoze feeder since it's such a big clump - but I kept forgetting - not done much in the garden this Summer got 8 palms to re-pot - I'm sure that Robert our 4 hours every other week gardner must think I'm lazy ! Sue

  3. OK I've requested you accept me as a friend on the Facebook site, so let me knnow if you can get into mine.
    Both holidays were amazing this year. IOS because of the wonderful weather with calm, smooth waters and Kef for the amazing heat and turquoise WARM seas so we could go snorkelling.
    Nice to be back and already of thinking of our next hol. Who wants to work?! :~

    1. Managed it ! - Super photos Gaynor - both holidays look stunning - but as you say the warmer waters do make a difference ! Don't know how everyone managed without wetsuits - all the kids wear them - but perhaps that's a fashion statement down here !
      I'm trying my best to stay off facebook as the blog takes so much of my time- I've only "friended" 3 people and it's running amok already !

  4. I know why people in the UK wear wetsuits... I used to scuba dive off the coast here and it is freezing.
    I thought I had put some pics of the Perranuthnoe trip on facebook, but \\i've checked and hadn't appologies for that. I really must pluck up courage to create my own blogspot.


Have had to add the word verification as I am getting lots of obscene messages in the comments