PERRANUTHNOE is a small village on the South Coast of Cornwall, just East of Marazion, there is a Car Park and sloping access to a safe sandy beach and the beachside Cabin Cafe. It has The Victoria Inn a superb multi award winning pub, which serves super food both lunchtimes & evenings, - a Church dating back as far as 1160. The Lynfield Centre which houses The Cowhouse Gallery, The Peppercorn Cafe and a hairdressers.

Friday 19 July 2019

Pleased to say that Jim is much better today - head has stopped spinning and he's managed to eat a piece of toast.
Sadly the weather has been horid today - I took the dogs for a quick walkies in light drizzle this morning but it's been raining for most of the rest of the day. Hoping it will be a bit better tomorrow


  1. Good to know that Jim is continuing to recover. How are you? It can be tiring looking after someone when they cannot do much for themselves. Sorry to read that the weather has turned nasty. You should get some nice days again soon.
    Take care and say "Hi" to Jim from me.
    Betty xx

    1. Jim is fine thanks - just really nasty food poisoning - sadly I don't think it will put him off his shellfish ! Weather a bit better today - we didn't get the worst of the rain although the gardens probably enjoyed what we had. Sue


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